Rick dees disco duck mps
Rick dees disco duck mps

rick dees disco duck mps rick dees disco duck mps

However, as fighting in Desert Storm also ended on February 28, the purpose and impact of the song immediately became outdated. The documentary, which followed the recording of the single to the music video’s presentation to the troops in the Middle East, aired on February 28, 1991. troops involved in Operation Desert Storm, as well as supporting the International Red Cross organization. The single and supporting documentary music video were intended to help boost the morale of U.S. The group of people involved was also collectively known as Voices That Care. “Voices That Care” is a 1991 song written by David Foster, Linda Thompson and Peter Cetera and recorded by a supergroup of popular musicians, entertainers and athletes. Okay, seriously, who isn’t on this single?!?

Rick dees disco duck mps